Our Services

Ineligibilities: ​
Inability to sustain on-going rent
​If you are already on a re-payment plan with landlord
​Cannot make payments over $3,000 including rental arrears
Emergency Rental Assistance
The Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program is intended to be one-time assistance up to $3,000.
ERA is available on an extremely limited basis. This program has a waitlist. By filling out the application below, you are applying to be a candidate on the ERA waitlist. Your application will be reviewed by the Homeless Housing Network staff. They will determine if you are a good candidate for the program per the guidelines of the program. Applying or being accepted onto the waitlist does not guarantee you assistance. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL RECEIVE ASSISTANCE. Please find other avenues of assistance at this time. After applying you should expect an email from Homeless Housing Network staff with the determination of if you were added to the waitlist or not.

Coordinated Entry Application
Coordinated Entry serves as the access point to services for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness. If you are experiencing homelessness, we would love to connect you to resources such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent housing solutions!
Please fill out an application below and a Homeless Housing Network staff member will contact you within one business day. They will conduct an assessment with you to identify your needs and to refer you to the program that best fits your situation.